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Such Confident, So Dignity!

I was driving our puppy, Agamemnon, to his first visit to the vet a few weeks ago. We had been on a few car rides together at that point. He had gotten used to being in the car, sitting right next to one of his favorite people. This time he was he was sitting on the big seat all by himself. He was excited about being in the car and looked calm and confident. I could see a bit of apprehension under that elegant courage. Maybe he was feeling some misgivings about facing the adventure on his own.

The car started moving and the trepidation started growing. Before we turned the corner out of our neighborhood, Agamemnon was certain that he did not like that car ride at all. All the poise and self-respect went out the window. His little struggle reminded me of all the times when, despite our preparation, we end up feeling overwhelmed. Despite our courage, we end up feeling beat down. It can be events as harmless as the holidays and as disastrous as 2020.

I know I started 2021 with hope and now it feels like there’s so much isolation and so much waiting. What to do? We can start with the simple things, which are often easy to forget or dismiss: be patient with yourself and others, stay close with your favorite people, go out of the house, play out in the snow, and, when you come back inside, take the time to bundle up in your favorite blanket. Allow yourself the time and energy to enjoy the little things.